Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quarter 1 Week 7

Tragedy struck our little school room this week as the internet misbehaved and ate every bit of the post that Tian had dictated. I suppose this is the price we pay for living in a country where internet is not an all-you-can-eat buffet. The internet often will take itself off-line without warning, as it did last Wednesday.

What's more, Tian refused to re-dictate her post. And so, we are left with a week in which we have no school blog. However, Tian determined that this was no great loss as we did nothing blog-worthy anyhow. No one took pictures or made movies. No one, as a matter of fact, did much of anything in school, and it was a tooth pull just to get them to roll into the school room each day and do the very minimum. "What is wrong with us?" Silas asked many times as the four wonder children slogged through their work.

By the weekend we were allowed to see what was wrong: Silas and Tehva both had come down with colds, which has turned the skin around their noses and mouths pink and irritated. Cady missed a day and a half for doctors' appointments and a trip to the island of Mussandam. Tian, who becomes tweenier by the day, simply melted into a stew of horomones as the week continued until by Wednesday she was bordering on impossible. It was, to say the least, not our best week yet.

However, this week is a new week--the last learning week in this quarter before a week-long review and finish up, plus portfolio assembly. Things thus far are chugging along with a bridge building project in progress, a month-long playwriting project still in the planning stages, and the usual array of activities that go with afterschool time.

Stay tuned for the regular blogger on Wednesday.

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