This year we are dying here in Oman...I mean, not literally but figuratively because our mama is killing us with overwork. I mean it! For example, this past week we have studied James I, Jamestown, John Smith and Pocahontas in history. As if that weren't enough we also have all read books about Pocahontas and the Powhatan Indians (who were actually Eastern Woodland Indians, not Powhatans really).
In science we didn't do anything because we were doing a light week this week since we have all been jetlagged and butt tired for most of it. In actuality we haven't done much of anything except for math and reading. I, Tian, am sooooooo excited because I finally can handle math thanks to the website It is my new best friend.
The Brain Candy project of the week was making and flying paper airplanes, which I liked but my dorky brother Silas LOVED. There are paper airplanes all over the house (even in my bed) and we have all discovered new designs and styles that we love. My favorite is the F-15, which I just made today and, although I didn't do it exactly following the directions (because I couldn't find all the stuff--like tape), it still flies really well--better than any other airplane I have ever seen.
So overall I would say that my favorite stuff this week was the adapted math website, and the potage we made in history, which was both yummy and gross. The recipe was simple: leeks, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, potato--not in the original recipe because they weren't eating them yet in colonial times, beef, oatmeal, and salt. We boiled all of it for an hour and then ate it. Like I said, yummy AND gross.
Next week we will try to post the video of the paper airplane flying show that we will do tomorrow. Sorry I can't put up videos of us eating the potage because it's gone.
Mmm potage! When we went to the Henry Ford Greenfield Village in Dearborn, there was a restaurant there with old-fashioned food from 150 years ago, and all the waitresses had long dresses and bonnets and there was just candle lights. We had dandelion soup, and then chicken pie which was more like a soup with pastry on top in a pie plate. And we had lemonade that was in a cup and the straw was a noodle! (Because they didn't have plastic straws 150 years ago). And dessert was an apple and blackberry pie. It was cool. You can see the menu from that restaurant here:
ReplyDeleteGreat! I'm so glad you have this blog now, I like following what you're doing. ANd by the way I love your haircut. :) (from Auntie)